Bachelorette Host Chris Harrison, in an interview about the upcoming Tahiti episode, tells Reality TV Magazine:
“Like with Justin, if you think you know everything, and you think you’ve seen everything, you haven’t,” Chris Harrison hints. “That’s why we weren’t too worried about showing that something is coming because it’s something you have to see, something you’re going to want to hear and you have to experience to know what’s happened. It’s almost less about Frank and Ali and more about how it shapes the rest of our show.” (my emphasis)
So it’s not about Frank, it’s about the effect his leaving has on the outcome between Ali and the two guys still standing: Roberto and Chris. How many options are there? I see one. She ends up alone, either because she rejects the final two or one or both reject her. I think it’s a split decision: She rejects Chris, after which Roberto bows out. The only feasible alternative: Both bow out.
What we know: Ali has her Tahiti dates with Roberto and Chris. Then she goes for her date with Frank and before they get out the door, she gets dumped. Continue reading