Big Brother Finale

Jordan Wins Big Brother
Final Update: Congratulations, Jordan! Natalie got 2 votes, from Russell and Kevin. Jeff won the vote for America’s favorite player and $25,0000.

Update: Final Statements to the jury. Jordan is good but rambles too much and goes on too long. Natalie does a halfway decent job of making it seem she stuck to her alliances, but does she convince anyone? She also admits she didn’t win much, but just hooked onto stronger players. They vote and make statements, without revealing who they voted for. Sounds like Russell votes for Natalie. Lydia for sure for Jordan. Jeff of course for Jordan. Michelle for Jordan. Jesse, I think Jordan. Kevin says he voted strategically. Julie Chen casts America’s vote which will be for Jordan.

Guests evicted earlier come out and tell how Kevin and Natalie lied about everything. Jordan is shocked. Natalie is laughing. The jury members looks surprised, are any reconsidering their votes either way? Continue reading

Did Kanye Steal Jay Leno’s Thunder?

We all knew Kanye West was going to be repentant tonight on the Jay Leno show over his outburst last night against Taylor Swift for winning the MTV best female video award instead of his preferred choice, Beyonce. There were some very pregnant pauses during the segment, particularly when Jay asked Kanye whether his mother, who died a few years ago, would have criticized him for it. Hardly an unexpected question, yet Kanye clammed up and then gave another apology. It definitely will be the most talked about segment of Leno’s opening night show tomorrow.

I thought the Jay Z/Rhianna/Kanye song was the best part of the show, followed by Dan at the car wash followed by Jay’s faux interview with Obama. I thought the monologue fell kind of flat, as did the Seinfeld/Oprah segment.

As to who will watch the show, the fall lineup on CBS and ABC for that hour have nothing of interest. Given the lack of competition, I don’t see how he fails.

These Are Not Your Father’s MTV Music Video Awards

The MTV-VH1 Music Video Awards were tonight. They sure have changed.

Madonna, looking relaxed, calm and very pretty, opened the show with a quiet and actually quite moving speech in tribute to Michael Jackson. After noting they were born the same year, she mentioned she lost her mother when she was a young girl. But she says Michael he got the short end of the stick: She lost a mother, he lost a childhood. She also talked about how “we” abandoned him, how while he was trying to raise a family, “we all sat in judgment of him.” “There will never be anyone else like him again. He was a king.” She says she’s going to end on a positive note. “Michael Jackson was a human being but he was the King. Long live the King.”

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BB11: Jordan Beats Natalie in Second HOH Comp; Finale Update

Jordan wiped out Natalie in tonight’s second HOH competition. She got 9 of the season’s HOH in the correct order, Natalie only got 5. No one got evicted tonight. Instead, there will be a live, third HOH competition on Tuesday night (finale night) between Kevin and Jordan. The winner will decide which of the other two goes with him/her to the final two. The jury will then vote between them. America will be the 7th juror.

Voting is now open. You can vote for free here (as oppose to texting which costs a dollar.) You can vote for the winner in all three scenarios: Kevin/Jordan, Kevin/Natalie, Jordan/Natalie.

I’m voting for Jordan — and in the Kevin/Natalie scenario, for Kevin.

Jeff got to the jury house and everyone had turned on Natalie.

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Ellen DeGeneres to Replace Paula Abdul on American Idol


Comedian and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres will replace Paula Abdul as a judge on American Idol, beginning with the 2010 season.

“I’m thrilled to be the new judge on American Idol,” DeGeneres said Wednesday. “I’ve watched since the beginning, and I’ve always been a huge fan. So getting this job is a dream come true, and think of all the money I’ll save from not having to text in my vote.”

Why did Fox pick Ellen?

We feel that her vast entertainment experience, combined with her quick wit and passion for music, will add a fresh new energy to the show.”

Big Brother: Natalie Nominates Kevin, Michelle for Eviction


HOH Natalie nominates her ally Kevin and Michelle for eviction. But she’s ineligible to compete for the Power of Veto because she chose to open Pandora’s Box instead. That leaves only the Power of Veto winner able to vote and control who gets evicted. If Kevin doesn’t win, it’s adios to him.

Natalie says she wants to take Jordan to the final two. If that happens, and America gets to vote, Jordan will win. Michelle and Jordan have teamed up.

Here’s the recap of last night’s live feed.

Unless Kevin wins the POV, I think the final three will be Natalie, Michelle and Jordan. And the final two will be Michelle and Jordan. If Kevin wins POV, I think Michelle will go home and the final three will be Kevin, Natalie and Jordan.

Big Brother: Natalie Gets a Big Boost

Jeff is out. The final four: Jordan, Michelle, Kevin and Natalie. And Natalie, who hasn’t won anything all season, won HOH. Tuesday, she’ll put two people up for eviction.

Michelle seems like an obvious choice since Natalie views her as a big threat because she’s smart. But Natalie is also concerned about those in the jury house. She will try to eliminate whoever she thinks is most likely to get more jury house votes than she will. But, she also has to worry about Jeff and Jordon voting as a block if they both end up in the jury house. They’d vote for Michelle over Natalie, but perhaps Natalie over Kevin.

And, there may be another wrinkle. There will be a repeat of Pandora’s Box this week, only this time Julie Chen says it is almost certain to impact the outcome. Continue reading